Simply have to share this excellent article written by my colleague Sophie Downie for Vegan Hospitality’s blog this December, 2024, about the Top Dining Trends for 2025 and how you can future-proof your business.
“You may think — what kind of chef am I? An innovative chef? Or a “back to basics” proponent? We encourage you to not label yourself, or feel like you have to choose just one of these paths forward. The best approach will be one that feels values aligned for you, while also honoring what your customers are asking for, in addition to working within the opportunities and limitations of your company guidelines, your kitchen space, and your team’s capacity. There is not one path forward. What we do need is everyone trying their best, and we also need to share our success stories to learn from each other.”
“The future of dining lies in bold innovation and a reverence for simplicity—in nourishing people while preserving the planet. Whether you’re a restaurateur, hotelier, or chef, the time to act is now, and we would love to be part of your success. Whether it’s supporting you in elevating your menus, training your staff, or sharing your success story with our network, we invite you to connect with us around how we might collaborate.”
Please click on the link to read the full article on Top Dining Trends 2025 – how to Future-Proof your business.