A talk every single person on this planet should hear.
Our health is dependent on the health of our home, Planet Earth. Our survival (not hers) is dependent on what we do right now.
Crucial climate systems are at tipping points, and we are accelerating towards it. Once tipped, and the systems’ resilience broken, climate disasters will continue to spiral out of control.
What can you do? Your biggest impact on this planet is also your super power. In order to live we have to eat and drink, and through the choices we make three times a day, we can either help or harm the planet.
The Planetary Diet (described by Johan Rockström) is a plant-forward diet that consists primarily of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds. Meat consumption should be limited to max once a week, and fish twice a week.
Not coincidentally, a plan(e)t-forward diet is also the healthiest diet for us humans.
Imagine the history books telling future generations about 8 billion of us getting together and helping the planet?